Sacral Chakra Alignment

Svadhisthana, or the sacral chakra, is home to our creative, emotional, and sexual well-being. When it’s out of alignment, we tend to feel imbalanced in those areas (either under- or over-active can indicate some level of misalignment). When your sacral chakra alignment is correct — neither deficient or excessive — you’ll feel emotionally grounded, sexuallyContinue reading “Sacral Chakra Alignment”

Chakra Yoga Classes

Over the last few classes of the year, I’m choosing to center them around one large theme. These chakra yoga classes will focus on a different chakra every week, culminating in a total body experience. 1: Root chakra 2: Sacral chakra 3: Solar plexus chakra 4: Heart chakra 5: Throat chakra 6: Third eye chakraContinue reading “Chakra Yoga Classes”