Chakra Yoga Classes

seven chakra stone book beside magic wand

Over the last few classes of the year, I’m choosing to center them around one large theme. These chakra yoga classes will focus on a different chakra every week, culminating in a total body experience.

chakra yoga classes
Workshop design and chakra yoga classes

1: Root chakra

2: Sacral chakra

3: Solar plexus chakra

4: Heart chakra

5: Throat chakra

6: Third eye chakra

Week 7: Crown chakra

I’m having surgery on December 15, so I’m going to have to double up a few classes this year. Which is fine, as it’s more about creating the flows and classes for my students. This is geared toward being a kind of theme that I can repeat as well.

Designing Chakra Yoga Classes

Each class will follow a similar outline. I’ll utilize a targeted intention paired with postures, and also swap out opening and end tones to emphasize the specific chakra. I’ve created a guide for anyone interested in using the flow I’ve created that can be used as a chakra balancing flow. The playlist is linked below!

I would love to bring more props and candles, with warm lavender eye pillows for savasana. But, as long as COVID-19 is a concern, that’s out of the question.

In the future, I think this could potentially be packaged up as a chakra reset kind of workshop. But we’ll see what 2022 holds! If you’re interested in partnering with me on a New Year’s workshop, let me know =]

Published by megtalla

Core Capabilities: Developing action-oriented content. Extensive content management experience. Skilled practitioner of web standards and social media evangelist. Interpreting / responding strategically to web analytics. Thriving in fast-paced organizations. Other than that, I'm just a girl with a penchant for cafe con panna and books.

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