Talismans, Totems & Fetishes

I don’t think I’m alone in this, but as a kid, I honestly believed in a kind of inherent magic in the world. My mom, a product of the New Mexican desert where ancient Native beliefs collided with the New Age influx of people post WWII, taught hard sciences courses during the day but routinelyContinue reading “Talismans, Totems & Fetishes”

Spring Cleaning for Your Well-being

Most of the yard is covered in 18+ inches of snow right now. The driveway is slick with ice and slush. And yet. And yet I can feel spring in the air. It’s almost like a psychic form of proprioception. I can’t see the flowers and grass yet, but I know they’re waking up. ThereContinue reading “Spring Cleaning for Your Well-being”

Bringing Progressive Muscle Relaxation into Yoga Classes

In April 2018, I had been teaching yoga for all of three months at the YMCA. Then, I was slowly working on branching out and practicing new things and learning more about the space, and where I fit into it, when I was offered to take on a 2x-a-week class at a nearby chiropractic practice.Continue reading “Bringing Progressive Muscle Relaxation into Yoga Classes”

February Yoga Flow Sequence from the Heart

Any February yoga flow sequence is always dominated by heart openers. Ostensibly, it’s a reference the Valentine’s Day (or Galentine’s, or whatever you might be celebrating). But heart openers–or any postures that help the chest open up–are extremely appropriate in the winter months. Especially in the frozen northern midwestern states like Minnesota. Heart openers haveContinue reading “February Yoga Flow Sequence from the Heart”

Finding Your Voice In and Out of the Studio

“Your voice is so low and melodious, I just kind of tuned out.” “I love what you’re saying, but I can’t hear it.” “SPEAK UP!” The last note is from my dad, but it’s a refrain that I’ve heard from many people, in many instances, many times. Evidently. Yet I still have trouble noticing whenContinue reading “Finding Your Voice In and Out of the Studio”