Achieving Vishuddha Health

The throat chakra, or vishuddha, is associated with how we express ourselves. Sometimes through our voice–literally and figuratively–but also in allowing us to present ourselves with authenticity and honesty. The location is, of course, the neck, and the color associated with it is turquoise. Throat is an area in which I have a lot ofContinue reading “Achieving Vishuddha Health”

Chakra Yoga Classes

Over the last few classes of the year, I’m choosing to center them around one large theme. These chakra yoga classes will focus on a different chakra every week, culminating in a total body experience. 1: Root chakra 2: Sacral chakra 3: Solar plexus chakra 4: Heart chakra 5: Throat chakra 6: Third eye chakraContinue reading “Chakra Yoga Classes”